A month for Halloween?

One thing I’ve learned over the past few weeks is that apparently Halloween isn’t only celebrated on Halloween, but also throughout the entire month of October.

Last Friday the other Outdoor LLC living on the floor above me put on a Halloween party where they decked out the entire common room and provided a ton of scary snacks.

The Saturday straight after we went to Tivoli (yes, again) to find that the entire amusement park had been redecorated to celebrate the holiday. And by redecorated I don’t just mean they hung up a few spider webs up and stuck a couple of ghosts around, I mean the park was almost unrecognizable. Copenhagen never fails to impress and Tivoli was no exception.

After exploring the park and talking about how cool it would be to be a kid again, we decided it was time to get some lunch. Of course, I couldn’t resist the ‘Scary Halloween Hotdog”.

But if that wasn’t enough pre-Halloween Halloween, we also somehow ended up carving pumpkins too.

One thing that hasn’t become Halloween themed (yet) is classes, but they’re still going just as great. In Danish we had a really interesting guest speaker come in from Christiania. He was so genuine and it was an amazing opportunity to be able to discuss what life inside Christiania is like, rather than just hearing it second hand or reading about it. He explained everything from how their politics works all the way to what it was like to bring up a child in the freetown.

To finish off the week a group of us attended a Space conference in Christiania where the group who recently photographed a black hole presented their incredible work.

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